ohio attorney thomas renz's filing against governor mike dewine

Renzs first two federal lawsuits contained language that exactly matches part of an annotated Constitution published by the Congressional Research Service. Governor of Ohio from 1991 to 1991, U.S. Legal Briefs a brand new exclusive Ohio Stands Up! So how do they frighten people into compliance when the jig is already up? This is the core of the suit. We would like [university officials] to end all mandates and not treat people differently, Mendenhall added when asked about the lawsuits objective., Ohio Stands Up! The suits generally deny or play down the severity of the pandemic. is a 501(c)(4) advocacy organization comprised of God-fearing, patriotic volunteers from Ohio. In one of dozens of recent media appearances, Ohio attorney Thomas Renz was claiming that coronavirus vaccines were more harmful than the virus itself. A brief filed in the Michigan case described her as a federal employee. We also have a strong following on MeWe. This article was published more than1 year ago. A native of the small town of Oak Harbor in northern Ohio, Renz spent parts of his 20s working at his familys small businesses: a six-lane bowling alley on a rural state highway and an electronics shop, according to local news stories. If you are an employee, a student, or a group of individuals being discriminated against, please feel free to contact Ohio Stands Up! These paramount cases have far-reaching potential to set good, Funding for current and future litigation efforts are only made possible through the financial contributions of Ohio Stands Up! Between April and May of 2020, Jen and I contacted two lawyers, one in Columbus and another in Lake County, hoping to procure legal representation for Ohioans. In his public statements, Renz has gone far beyond the allegations in his lawsuits, claiming without evidence that government officials and pharmaceutical companies are murdering people and covering it up. The Globalists are backtracking as seen in their settling for Cold War instead of World War, while increasingly their puppets like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci keep toning down their former bold talk of mandatory vaccination and keep further pushing back the date of the vax rollout and meekly admit that compulsory vaccination is not on the cards. One side is Christian, the other not. It is unprecedented that a university would require an experimental medical procedure on students or masking. While we continued our search, I submitted a post to our Facebook page inquiring if volunteers would be interested in creating a board. I stopped visiting their site long time ago. This is not just about the economy or taking away your freedoms. There is no reason why they, or anyone, should surrender and accept. Several court filings from Renz and his co-counsels contain language that appears to echo or duplicate wording from other sources without attribution, a Post review found. Lawmakers can also terminate an emergency order after 30 days under the bill. Attachment I have other reports from other whistleblowers that have shared information but are unwilling to make it public regarding the danger of the vaccines and cover-up occurring, Renz told The Post. As a result, millions of Ohioans are suffering financially, physically, and mentally.. is excited to share the latest information regarding the University of Cincinnati lawsuit. Updated: Feb 8, 2023 / 10:42 PM EST. ", Jeanine: Why isnt there federal money for these people to move?Dana: There should be but Governor DeWine has to ask FEMA to come in and he hasnt done it yet pic.twitter.com/bgDdIAVcIU. www.OhioStandsUp.org | info@OhioStandsUp.org. Renz also launched a nonprofit group called For God Family Country that is collecting donations for the medical freedom fight, according to the website of Renzs law firm. & Mendenhall Law Firm share the Ohio University and Smuckers lawsuit. The exceptions are a suit against a hospital system in Michigan that was withdrawn on Sept. 10, days after it was filed, and one against Ohio officials that was withdrawn in March after a judge said it was nearly incomprehensible.. Declining to publicly identify the purported whistleblower out of fear for her safety, Renz filed affidavits featuring her allegations in support of his lawsuits in Alabama and Michigan. Insanity is inflexibly doing the same thing over and over while hoping for different results.. For more information, visitwww.ohiostandsup.org. A male employee also wrote to the CEO, confirming that the female colleague had contemporaneously told him about Renzs alleged comments and conduct, including the allegation of touching her breast. As God is my witness, he said in Anaheim, hell will freeze over before I stand down on this., From corporate America to conspiracy theory promotion: How a Minnesota man made a career out of anonymously amplifying dark plots, How the election-fraud myth was spread by Russell Ramsland, Follow @wpinvestigates on Twitter | Latest investigative news. Mike DeWine's coronavirus response . Renz, who became a licensed attorney only months before the pandemic began, has rapidly gained prominence among covid-19 skeptics for leading federal lawsuits in six states that challenge shutdowns, mask mandates and the safety of vaccines while alleging that the danger of the virus has been overblown. ACTs chief operating officer, Greg Allen, told The Post in an email that Renz worked there for less than a year in 2016 and was terminated. In June of 2020, a talented, Ohio-based musician named Micah who briefly served on the board suggested the name , We are eternally grateful for your support, and we have since established an Ohio Stands Up! While not a founding member of Ohio Stands Up!, attorney Renz has since embarked on national work and in October of 2021, Ohio Stands Up! Please connect with us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/OhioStandsUp, on MeWe at https://mewe.com/join/ohiostandsup or Twitter at https://twitter.com/OhioStandsUp. 12/14/2021 Ohio Stands Up! (To read about Jons mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.). Unfortunately, our private Facebook page was scrubbed in the summer of 2021 by Facebook; however, our public Facebook page remains. This sounds like a pretty sure fire way (no pun intended) to accomplish some of the main points on their agenda: 1) fulfill their eugenics dream of eliminating massive swathes of the population, 2) frighten everybody into submission, and 3) convince everyone that the vaccine is both necessary and desirable. To date, five of the original board members remain. We are eternally grateful for your support, and we have since established an Ohio Stands Up! Renz is asking for a jury trial. The State went from a few thousand tests per day to 25,000 tests plus per day. Give the people bread and games, and they will be content. to continue our legal and educational pursuits for Ohioans. The group is represented by attorneys Thomas Renz of Fremont and Robert Gargasz of Lorain. Dr. Jeff Barke and Dr. Mark McDonald spend time with Jason and Renee Hedges. Shortly after, Jen launched the private Facebook page called Ohioans Against Mandatory Masks and the page amassed a strong following throughout the summer of 2020. Renz and Popper also are members of the team behind For God Family Country (4GFC), the nonprofit that Renz formed in August 2018, according to the groups website and Ohio state incorporation records. Ohio Stands Up! Ohio attorney, Thomas Renz, on behalf of plaintiffs, has filed a case against the state of Ohio and Governor Mike DeWine. Trial and prison time for their crimes against humanity. Governor Mike DeWine delivering his 2023 State of the State address to a Joint Session of the Ohio General Assembly on January 31. Six percent of the deaths are directly from COVID-19, according to the CDC, while at the same time excess deaths have continued to increase due to deaths caused by the what we now know is a minor infection for most. He argues that the coronavirus restrictions amounted, in some cases, to unlawful imprisonment of the public and theft of profits because of business closures. We have autonomy in our medical-decision making, Mendenhall said. The entire U.S. economy was shut down based on fraudulent models that predicted 2.2 million American deaths, Renz said. Allen did not offer details or respond to further questions. files lawsuit against the State of Ohio to remove the unconstitutional emergency order, We believe that the response to COVID-19 has been the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American public, attorney Thomas Renz. The groups nonprofit status was revoked by the IRS in May because it hadnt filed financial paperwork to federal officials for three years, IRS records show. The charge: DeWine has created massive damage through lockdowns and other "containment measures" designed to stop the spread of the purported coronavirus. Ohio Stands Up! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The author of three explosive collections, COVID: Major case filed against Ohio governor and the state of Ohio for restricting freedom without legitimate justification. More ambiguous, misleading and insane procedures that indicate the madness and predictable confusion thats being forced on citizens. Renz and Gargasz will release the extensive evidence that chronicles the case to the public to offer transparency and insight. The governor hosted . As of August 30, donations have reached $34,055. Renz has used appearances on conservative media outlets to ask audiences for support. The Ohio Stands Up! - Jason K. Hedges, Co-founder, Ohio Stands Up! Or better yet indicted for either manslaughter of second degree murder. Its simply not my job to try to discern from plaintiffs scattered, off-loaded stack of contentions and claims to envision what sort of plausible legal edifice a capable legal architect might erect, Carr wrote. Weve had the pleasure of hosting many keynote speakers including Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Beth Laffay, industrial hygiene expert Stephen Petty, and many others. While we continued our search, I submitted a post to our Facebook page inquiring if volunteers would be interested in creating a board. And already this vaccine has become as sexy and cool as a 50 ft. swastika draped over a syringe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BegGXhBD4Lc&feature=emb_title (8 minutes) A search by The Post of criminal and civil cases in Ohio courts surfaced only two in which Renz is listed as an attorney: defending one man charged in July 2020 with DUI and another charged in June with aggravated menacing. As an advocacy organization, Ohio Stands Up! Last week, DeWine's office announced that residents living near the derailed train were required to evacuate as Norfolk Southern executed a "controlled release of the vinyl chloride" in an effort to "alleviate the risk of uncontrollable shrapnel from an explosion.". 01/28/2021, Ohio Stands Up! But to be completely honest, I dont think we have seen the worst of this virus hoax yet. Renz has been paid by Americas Frontline Doctors at a fair rate for nonprofit legal advice, a spokesman for the group said in an email, adding that they contacted him after noticing his earlier work related to issues tied to the coronavirus response. The charge: DeWine has created massive damage through lockdowns and other "containment measures" designed to stop the spread of the purported coronavirus. Releases a Video Resource Library Providing Uncensored COVID Truth, Kathryn Huwigs Beyond The Data interview with Jen Drabik, Jason Hedges & Attorney Warner Mendenhall, https://www.ohiostandsup.org/get-involved. That suit was filed on August 31st, 2020, and was subsequently withdrawn in March of 2021, as Mike DeWine, in predictable fashion, withdrew the emergency declaration rendering the lawsuit inert. FB users would fall into unfathomable despair; consequently, they would be forced to confront, without the artificial safe haven, the realities of what they themselves (the majority of users) have helped create. We have since established an Ohio Stands Up! If there was justice in NY, squatters wouldnt have rights. COLUMBUS, Ohio (FOX19) - Gov. People seem to believe in political solutions, justice system etc. Allen said Renzs description of his work was inaccurate. Drug overdoses and suicides have increased as have domestic violence and child abuse cases directly as a result of the unconstitutional emergency order. Please share our Give Send Go campaign, as your donations allow Ohio Stands Up! Our lawsuit is designed to check the abuse of power.. Exposure of the existence of incomplete traces of a virus do not mean a person is infected with a disease [,] which is part of the reason the PCR tests have an elevated rate of false positives., there is not even a true standard for testingInstead we have numerous tests from numerous vendors that may or may not have a similar standard for what it means to have COVID-19. A new episode will be added every Monday. You can apply divide and conquer to the political system as well. Even prosecuting top public health officials would not be enough to repair the damage they have done, Renz claims. Incumbent Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine on Wednesday said Ohio's health orders will be removed effective June 2. . On Thursday, DeWine said he opposes House Bill 248. One of the things we have seen across the country is exactly what we are pointing out in this lawsuit, that authorities are stepping outside the bounds of their authority, Mendenhall said. the courts are there to run cover for their agenda. Popper did not respond to emails and phone messages left at her office seeking an interview. After law school, Renz struggled to kick-start his legal career. These fundraising events have enabled our organization to continue providing educational opportunities to the citizens of Ohio AND to continue the legal fight! Renz brought the Alabama suit on behalf of Americas Frontline Doctors, a conservative-backed campaign group that has fought government efforts to contain the pandemic. See https://makeamericansfreeagain.com/ for details. Announces Financial Support for Mendenhall Law Firm Plaintiffs from Ohio University, Bowling Green State University, and University of, 12/04/2021 Ohio Stands Up! It was a planned and carefully orchestrated event that allowed some bad actors to gain control over billions of people, and to shut down the worlds economies, Popper wrote. And this must be checked. https://twitter.com/Liz_Wheeler/status/1302273076319543296?s=09, An email I received from a well researched article, Why a COVID-19 Vaccine Likely Wont Happen Anytime Soon, https://www.coreysdigs.com/opinion/why-a-covid-19-vaccine-likely-wont-happen-anytime-soon-if-at-all/. For 40 years, Mike DeWine rose steadily if blandly up the ladder of Ohio politics, finally landing his dream job as governor. He has been elected a prosecuting attorney; a state senator; a U.S. representative; as. Whether its Trump, Biden or Santa Claus. We need to become ungovernable to succeed: agree JB- Let's talk about the Ohio Stands Up! It makes it very uncomfortable to be alone in his office discussing business, she wrote. Attorney Thomas Renz Toledo, OH - Determined to restore the Constitutional rights that have been stripped away by the State of Ohio's unjustified actions regarding COVID-19, Ohio Stands Up! Asked why he left the credit union, Renz said: I did resign. at 419- 455-1585. This case, in the current climate . 12/04/2021 Ohio Stands Up! DeWine repeated his call for Congress to look into how to prevent train accidents like this in the future . to continue our legal and educational pursuits for Ohioans. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The question this leads us to is how accurate can a test be for a virus that has not been defined? The Totalitarian, Fascist, Transhumanist Agenda. The only real solutions is stop playing their rigged game. The State of Ohio has ignored fundamental Constitutional rights for a virus that is no more dangerous than the seasonal flu. "The people that are dying are. No, I dont wish for any of this. Families have been barred from seeing their loved ones in hospitals and long-term care facilities, and residents in long-term care facilities have suffered because of the lack of in-person communication from their loved one. "I've been sued many times. As a result of President Joe Biden's announcements last week, Gov. Our August 2021 and January 2022 events sold out and accrued quite a waiting list for those hoping to attend. COLUMBUS, Ohio Ohio Gov. Mike DeWines emergency order. Board will continue to review cases that may benefit from financial support and help facilitate fund raising to procure legal representation. fundraising campaign on Give Send Go and humbly request that any donations to Ohio Stands Up! I havent checked, but I suspect that the NFL is also using the FLU ANTIGEN TEST and avoiding the high percentage of false positives that come from the rt-PCR test itself. DeWine ran with Lt. Gov. That equals an abuse of power, and its happening at federal, state and local level and at colleges and universities. According to the lawsuit filing, this is a civil action for declaratory and injunctive relief involving the statutory and constitutional validity of UCs vaccination and health measure mandates effective Sept. 1, 2021. I submit that the UN/WHO/WEF are also orchestrating the various sub-themes of destruction across the U.S., from social division and strategic arson to buying off judges, as this country is the strongest of the possible strongholds against this global anti-humanity reset.. Taking them to court is better than nothing but its too little too late. Only a few like Jon and Dr. Vernon Coleman kept cool heads when Pence made that momentous declaration. In June of 2020, a talented, Ohio-based musician named Micah who briefly served on the board suggested the name Ohio Stands Up! and the name resonated. Mike DeWine was once again in East Palestine following a fiery . Published April 28, 2020 Updated Nov. 3, 2020. COVID is nine11 on steroids, brought to us by the same cabal. Yeah!!! Please support Ohio Stands Up! The primary isolate of the nCoV does not exist nor has its genetic code been sequenced nor has it been photographed using electron microscopy nor does the disease have one unique symptom of its own. Also under Renzs proposal, all requests for information were to be submitted to him in writing. We intend to do as much good with this as possible but have not yet settled on how, he said in his email. Ohio Gov. A spokesman for Golds group said the charges are irrelevant to the groups lawsuit. Mike DeWine said Tuesday he hopes charges against Evan Lambert, the NewsNation reporter who was arrested during DeWine's press conference last week, will be dropped. Children are struggling emotionally as many are forced into the continued isolation of remote learning while two income households must find solutions to manage young children at home. It Should be quite interesting as Governor Dewine is a former Ohio State Attorney General and will most likely run for a second term as Governor in 2022. Ohio Stands Up! Obviously, I deny that. The suit was funded by anti-vaccine activists who formed a group called Ohio Stands Up!, according to the news release. All they have to do is crank up the frequency on the smart meters and 5G antennas and they can essentially boil us alive at will. https://pradelab.okstate.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/COV4.pdf, Your email address will not be published. He has spoken of the vaccination battles as a struggle against dark forces. Because as we all know: Money is all that matters to them. fundraising campaign on Give Send Go and humbly request that any donations to Ohio Stands Up! [2] Starting in the 1880s, Ohio's Mark Hanna was a significant power in the back rooms of the national Republican party. Mortgage repayments and other financial setbacks are virtually all suffered by the young worker or business person and not by the over-65, who are guaranteed their pension, as indeed are the salaries of the individuals who decide to inflict these draconian measures, the 70 year old told The Irish Times.. The want us to ask for this stuffthey want us to even pay for it. since our inception in April of 2020. While this dismissal was appealed, Ohio Stands Up! Based on this information, state and local health officials determined that it is now safe for community members to return to their residences," DeWine's office said in a statement on February 8. To read about Jons mega-collection, the Matrix Revealed, click here. ) us by Congressional! When Pence made that momentous declaration established an Ohio Stands Up!, to! 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