DiscCrusher Cup 2011
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Facebook DiscDogging Austria
KMARCh 2011 in Wien |
Please find the english Version below!
Folgende Disziplinen tragen wir - je eine Runde - aus: Startgebühr pro Mensch/Hund Team: € 10,- unabhängig bei wievielen Disziplinen ihr teilnehmt. Den Abend lassen wir dann bei einer netten Grillerei ausklingen. Meldet euch am besten gleich hier an, und verbringt ein weiteres tolles Frisbee Event mit uns und unseren Gästen! Für weitere Fragen zur Veranstaltung, den Spielen, etc. stehen wir euch gerne zur Verfügung.
English: KMARCh - the Kathy Miller and Ruckus Challenge - is a tournament, which is already being played in its 4th edition this year. Next to the legs in the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Hungary and Romania we're proud that also Austria will be a part of KMARCh in 2011. The event will take place at the area of WHC Groß-Enzersdorf (see map) on 30.04.2011. As you already know, KMARCh is a tribute tournament to Kathy Miller, and should give new discdoggers / beginners a platform to come together, play together and exchange with advanced players. The 2nd Leg of KMARCh will consist of the following games: The entry fee for each human/dog team is € 10,- independent for how many games you register. We'll end the day with a great barbecue on Saturday evening. Please register here to join us and our guests for another great frisbee event! For further questions regarding the games, the infrastructures, etc or just for a chat please feel free to get it touch with us. |